- Assignment operators (Atama Operatorler)
- Arithmetic operators (Aritmatik Operatorler)
- Relational operators (Iliskisel Operatorler)
- Logical operators (Mantiksal Operatorler)
- =
- +=
- -=
boolean isA = true;
byte b = 20;
HelloWord hw = new HelloWord();
- Compound Assignment Operations(Birlesik Atama Operatoru) :
- +=
- -=
a= a - 5
- Other Java Assigment Operators Such As : >>= , <<= , += , -= , *= , /= , %= , ^= , |= , &= , >>>=
2 . Arithmetic operators (Aritmatik Operatorler) :
- Basic Arithmetic Operators
- + addition (sum) operator
- - subtraction (difference) operator
- * multiplication (product) operator
- / division (quotient) operator
- % modulus (remainder) operator
int b = 25;
int c;
c = a + b; //addition (sum) operator
c = a - b; //subtraction (difference) operator
c = a * b;// multiplication (product) operator
c = a / b; /// division (quotient) operator
c = a % b; // modulus (remainder) operator
- Prefix Increment, Postfix Increment, Prefix Decrement, and Postfix Decrement Operators
- ++x prefix increment operator
- --x prefix decrement operator
- x++ postfix increment operator
- x-- postfix decrement operator
int y = ++x ;
System.out.println("x=" + x + ", y=" + y); // x= 11, y= 11
int x = 10;
int y = x++ ;
System.out.println("x=" + x + ", y=" + y); // x= 11, y= 10
int x = 10;
int y = --x ;
System.out.println("x=" + x + ", y=" + y); // x= 9, y= 9
int x = 10;
int y = x-- ;
System.out.println("x=" + x + ", y=" + y); // x= 9, y= 10
Relational Operators
3 . Relational operators (Iliskisel Operator) : Bu operator geriye Boolean tipinde degerler dondurur bu operatorlar 4 kisimdan olusur.
- < “less than” operator
- <= “less than or equal to” operator
- > “greater than” operator
- >= “greater than or equal to” operator
- ==
- !=
!= operatoru sag ve so;undaki degerler esit degil ise true diger durumda false dondurur.
int value = 12;
/* boolean comparison, prints true */
System.out.println(true == true);
/* char comparison, prints false */
System.out.println('a' != 'a');
/* byte comparison, prints true */
System.out.println((byte)value == (byte)value);
/* short comparison, prints false */
System.out.println((short)value != (short)value);
/* integer comparison, prints true */
System.out.println(value == value);
/* float comparison, prints true */
System.out.println(12F == 12f);
/* double comparison, prints false */
System.out.println(12D != 12d);
4 . Logical operators (Mantiksal Operatorler) : Bu operator geriye Boolean tipinde degerler dondurur
- && logical AND (conditional-AND) operator
- || logical OR (conditional-OR) operator
/* Assigns true */
boolean and1 = true && true;
/* Assigns false */
boolean and2 = true && false;
/* Assigns false, right operand not evaluated */
boolean and3 = false && true;
/* Assigns false, right operand not evaluated */
boolean and4 = false && false;
|| = Veya
/* Assigns true, right operand not evaluated */
boolean or1 = true || true;
/* Assigns true, right operand not evaluated */
boolean or2 = true || false;
/* Assigns true */
boolean or3 = false || true;
/* Assigns false */
boolean or4 = false || false;
Bu konunun daha iyi anlasilmasi icin bir uygulama yapiyoz.
public class MainTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
if ((isItSmall(3)) || (isItSmall(7))) {
System.out.println("Result is true");
if ((isItSmall(6)) || (isItSmall(9))) {
System.out.println("Result is true");
public static boolean isItSmall(int i) {
if (i < 5) {
System.out.println("i < 5");
return true;
} else {
System.out.println("i >= 5");
return false;
//Console Output
i < 5
Result is true
i >= 5
i >= 5
Aslinda bu uygulamadaki ciktiya baktigimizda cok acik olarak anlasiliyor || operator ilk ilce birinciyi kontrol eder eyer true ise diyerine hic gitmez bakmaz calistirmaz onun icin if ((isItSmall(3)) || (isItSmall(7))) sart bakildiginda bu kisim (isItSmall(3)) tru dondugu icin ikincisi hic calistirilmiyor ama
if ((isItSmall(6)) || (isItSmall(9))) bu sarta birinci kontrol edilyor bakiyor false ise o zaman ikinci calistiriliyor
-Logical Negation Operator : ! bu operator degil demektir bir boolean degerin degilini olusturur. yani boolean a = true ; burada a true degeridir ama su sekilde olursa !a o zaman true olan degeri false olur.
System.out.println(!false); // Prints true
System.out.println(!true); // Prints false
System.out.println(!!true); // Prints true
System.out.println(!!!true); // Prints false
System.out.println(!!!!true); // Prints true
non-short-circuit logical operators :
■ & non-short-circuit AND :
■ | non-short-circuit OR :Bu operatorde sartlarin ikiside kontrol ediliyor ama sadece birinin dogru olasi sarti true ediyor
public class MainTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int z = 5;
System.out.println("Before z : "+z);
if (++z > 5 | ++z > 6) {
System.out.println("After z : "+z);
//Console Output
Before z : 5
After z : 8Gorulduyu gibi | operatorunde her ikiside konturol ediliyor yani birinci dogru oldugu halde ikinci sartta kontrol ediliyor.
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